Legal Mentions
Site editor
DiamPark companySimplified joint-stock company with a capital of 56479 eurosRegistered with the Trade and Companies Register under number 883799645Head office: 22 rue Guilleminot 92370 ChavilleRepresented by Didier Tranchier, President
The company Diampark is registered under the SIRET number 88379964500014 and its APE code is 7211Z. It is represented by its President, Didier Tranchier, and its social security contributions are paid under number 117000001566111090 in Montreuil.
Site creator
Djamchid Dalili
Armand Taheri
Site host
2 rue Kellermann 59100 Roubaix
For any questions or complaints regarding the site, you can contact Diampark at the postal address indicated above or by email at