Application Status

Here you will find the real-time status of the application provided by Diampark, including updates, potential bugs, and the overall state of the service.

✅ Alert: Issue Resolved - Version 3.9.1 on 11/07/2023

We are pleased to inform you that the problem related to the deployment of version 3.9.1 has been successfully resolved. You can now use the application normally. Thank you for your understanding and patience.

11/21/2023 at 11:19 AM

🚨 Alert: Issue During Deployment of Version 3.9.1 on 11/07/2023

Essential change in the connection mode. Unfortunately, there was an error in the database, and we are actively working to resolve the issue. We apologize for any inconvenience.

11/08/2023 at 04:31 PM